Tagged: will power



It’s amazing how much human being can adapt to the environment. Granted, we get used to bigger houses, fancier cars, fatter wallets and name brands much quicker; but if needed, we can let go those luxuries and only focus in necessities.

For me, I am talking about adapting to not using my left hand for the past 5 days, and other things I needed to do to prevent my left hand getting too swollen. Today is my surgery day. I will have way more pain in the next few days, but I’m looking forward to remove this temporary cast all the way to above my elbow. Guess I will have at least another week that my left hand is no help.

But during these days, I see potential, things I would think I wouldn’t be able to do with one hand, I was able to find a way and do it. Not easy for sure, but there is always a way. Just like those unfortunate people losing arms or legs, they found a way to take care of themselves on a daily basis, I can too.

I want my kids to know, life is unpredictable, things can get difficult, sometimes even seem impossible, but we as human being, have tremendous potential, when there is a will, there is a way. We can get through anything, and come out the other side stronger.