Tagged: Tomorrow is a better day

Moving On

New year, new resolution. Based on my track record, I don’t usually seem to be very successful with these. We tend to get stuck in the rut of setting new goals and failing these goals within weeks. Losing 5 lbs, reading more books, quit smoking… how many of us really made it through January without cheating? So, I stopped making new year resolutions a long time ago, just quietly encouraging others keep up with their goals. To me, a resolution is not about having to have a new year to have a new start, it should be a constant mind set of constant eliminating negativity in life and looking forward and making changes that will positively impact life.

Recently I was finally able to sell the house of 6 years, the one many people joked about being a mansion, casa de Ting. Sure, lots of life happened in that house, I had two wonderful children and had many many sleepless nights where I lost track of what time of the day / night it was. Watching them growing up was the best feeling. When I put the house on the market, some asked if I was sad or sentimental about selling it. After I moved out, some asked if I would want to go back and take another look. The answer is, not a bit. I don’t think about anything inside the house, nothing really triggers any sadness. I am not emotionally attached to any of it. Maybe I am weird, but I am one of the fortunate that I don’t keep looking back and play back the good and bad over and over in my head. I simply want to move on.

In my mind, what happened in the past belong to the past. There are many moments I do not ever want to look back, because there is no point of wasting my precious present on the past, especially if those moments do not bring me any joy. But, to those who may have sad past, don’t beat up yourself over your past either, you had to go through what you went through to be where you are today. Every single thing you suffered molded who you are today. You are stronger than ever, smarter than ever, wiser than you have ever been before. One day, you will be able to say “thank you” to those who hurt you, betrayed you or broke your heart, because of those devastating moments, you are able to break free from miserable life, you are able to find true happiness, find yourself, and not wasting a single more minute on someone or something that doesn’t help you find your happiness. To those had wonderful memories, they definitely showed you what happiness can be, and embrace that. The future will be better.