Tagged: Leftover makeover

Leftover Dumplings Do-Over

I know it’s hard to believe, but we had about 30 home made dumplings left over from last night. So, this morning, I pan fried these and turned them into another awesome breakfast dish.

These are what we had from last night, simple boiled chives, eggs and shrimpdumplings.

Ignore that chili sauce… I think someone was savoring a few for mid night snack..So these dumplings were in the fridge over night, nice and cool, and they won’t stick to each other.

In a medium size cast iron pan, oil the bottom generously and heat on medium high heat for a few minutes to make sure the pan is nice and hot.

Carefully put the dumplings into the pan without crowding them.

Leave them alone for 2 to 3 minutes to allow the golden crust to form at the bottom of each dumpling. Don’t worry about which face these dumplings fall onto at first, they will get browned on all sides anyway.

Once the first side is browned, the dumplings will naturally release themselves from the bottom of the pan, just to be extra safe, go in with a thin flat spatula to scrape them off the pan carefully and flip them to another side.

Allow 2 to 3 minutes each side to brown, dish up and serve with my Signature Spicy Sauce.