Tagged: kids are simple

Simple Joy

Kids don’t need to be over loaded with material, they crave our time and attention. I have to admit that before I went completely broke, I never truly understood that. I always wanted to get my kids more, get them better stuff, and I would feel bad if I couldn’t find that one thing they briefly mentioned one day to see their surprised face.

I have discovered the simple joy with kids, they are happy with anything. They are perfectly happy with a much smaller house, much more crammed room, less toys, as long as they have your attention and time. They are super happy to do arts and crafts with me, read books with me, learning spelling and doing math with me, taking a walk with the dogs, acting silly..

We went to a park, teased the ducks and turtles with feathers, and pretended to be little Indians, happy faces, happy day!

Yep, that’s big sister’s hair, pretending to be his mustache..