Tagged: kids

New Friends

I always tell my kids, friendship is one of the most precious treasure one can have through the journey of life. Without friendship, life can be unbearably lonely. It’s been killing me inside since I had to pull the kids out of daycare due to financial reasons. I want my kids to socialize, to learn how to handle confrontation, disputation,  to learn to share with others and experience the joy being with other people.

My kids are doing great with each other over all. Big sister is loving and caring of little brother, little brother looks up to big sister and listens to her very well. I love watching these two sillies reason with each other. But they are missing interaction with other kids lately. They keep saying they miss their friends and teacher from school. I try to have as many play dates as possible with their friends, but everyone has a busy life, I totally get it.

Took the kids to a park the other day, bumped into this lovely lady and her two kids. Same as me, she got a 5-year-old girl and a 4-year-old boy. It was an instant bond amongst the kids.

Before you know it, the kids were giggling and laughing and running, my heart is full.



People Around You

Too many people nowadays feel entitled. They feel they are entitled to things without having to earn them. I bet you can name a handful of people around you, who feel they deserve a promotion, while they don’t really know that much, or can’t even get along with co-workers; people who feel the other drivers sitting in the same traffic should let them cut in front of them, while they don’t even try to be nice and at least wave thanks; spouses think because they worked a 40-hour week, they should be able to be treated as the king or queen, while the other spouse should be taking care of everything else at any given time.

The list go on and on. Nowadays, way too many people have this mentality. As a result, when things don’t go their way, or they feel their entitled rights are not met, they become angry, towards people around them, towards the community, they feel the world is against them. They become bitter, jealous, they feel the need to release that anger and let others know they are not happy. Friendship are ruined, families are broken.

I have seen a lot of these examples, and have been through a few of these people in my life too. Sometimes it’s hard to face the fact that I made the wrong choice, in terms of who I let into my life, and people I love and myself are taken advantage of, and hurt. But at the end of the day, it’s a fortunate thing that the true color of people would eventually show through. It may be a painful process to cut out toxic people from your life, but your future self will be grateful you did.

Chaplain Ronnie Melancon said “Show Me Your Friends and I’ll Show You Your Future”. Didn’t your parents also tell you to choose your friends wisely? I remember getting mad at my mother when I was in high school, when she warned me to stay away from this one boy, he is bad news; and instead, hang out more with this girl. I was upset with her, I remember telling her “you don’t know nothing about him, you only met him once! And you only wanted me to be with boring bookworms!” I have to admit, I really liked her as a friend. As a matter of fact, we have been friends since junior high. I was a little jealous of her to be honest. She was always one of the top ones in my class. I was too, but I was never nearly as hard-working as her. My parents always compared me with her, and I was a bit jealous. At one point of time, I felt they would rather have her as their daughter, because she was so perfect in their eyes. In fact, they had high hopes of me, hoped they were encouraging me to study harder.

I was never careful enough to choose my friends. I believe, by default, people are good people, until they prove otherwise. I get burned this way. I always sucked at saying no to anyone. I always sucked at asking for favors, or bother anyone for anything. I am too trusting. I know this, but this is who I am. I also believed in earning, not entitling. I was raised earning my money by doing dishes, taking out trash, doing other chores around the house as a kid. I believed do a good job, and take pride in what I do. I always believed in doing what I am supposed to do and more, so when people remembered me, they would say, yes, she is a good person. I never really put two and two together, I mean, my friends, and my future, until probably a month ago, from a seminar I went to. The speaker asked everyone to think of five people in our lives, that we spend most of our time with. I went through my five people list. Then he said, take the average of these five people, that’s where you will more than likely end up with. Immediately, I felt such a relief. I am nowhere at the peak of my life, probably the rock bottom in fact. But I see hope, I see where I would be based on my five people list. I feel this is meant to be. My current top fives are happy, generous, positive people, who believes doing the right thing, continuous self-development, and help others in need. I share the same values with these five people, from how to raise kids to encouraging each other rather than comparing what we have. I feel alive again. One of my close friends said to me the other day, “it’s so weird, it’s like your life just got hit by a sh!t storm, but you are actually way happier than before!” It’s true, I don’t understand that either, I guess the only difference is who I have on my top five list.

In fact, it was hard to come up with my top five. During the seminar, I kinda cheated. Instead of coming up with my top five, I came up with my top 10, or more, simply because I couldn’t really draw a line between 5th and 6th, 7th… person came to my mind. I am beyond grateful I have a large friends group. During the hard times, I have so many friends who reached out to me and offered all kinds of help they can think of. I feel I have done something right. I want to pass the value on to my kids, I want them to be good people, earn rewards rather than feel entitled. I know this is going to be a life long journey, and we all will encounter highs and lows in our lives, and sometimes it is so much easier to blame others and the society. But I am excited and grateful to have all these positive people around me and I am lucky enough to call friends, and go through this journey together.



State Capitol

After almost 12 years since I came to live in Houston, I finally made my way to the State Capitol in Austin, Texas, thanks to my daughter’s audition nearby.

It was a super nice day, low 70’s, sunny, light breeze. So, I took my dad and the kids to go visit the State Capitol. We walked into a big park. Immediately, we were wooing and wowing, cellphone was pulled out, selfie time with the kids. Think my dad already wandered off and started taking pictures of random sights.

On the walk towards the capitol visitor center, we saw school buses were around, kids in school uniforms were here for field trips. Some people are having picnics under the trees, some are taking a casual stroll around the park. What a sight! My little goof balls went crazy, they ran up and down the hills, lied down on the lawn giggling, soaking up the sun and chasing the squirrels. My heart melted watching these priceless faces.

So many statues in the park, you can’t help but feel the history of Texas seeping into your bones. Details on each statue are just stunning. I couldn’t resist the urge to snap a few pictures.

We finally made our way towards the visitor center. After security, I looked up, so did the kids. I will save my words here, just share a few pictures. Of course, a short video of my little dancer feeling the music.

For days I kept thinking, what have I done in the past 12 years and what have I missed? I have been so busy with everything I thought was important, have I made the most dangerous mistake of keeping myself so occupied and not doing what I really want to do, but hoping that one day I will eventually be able to do what I really want to do? I have always said that I love to see the world. After I have been in Texas for 12 years, I finally made it to the capital city, which is only a little more than 2 hour drive away? What was my excuse? I have to admit, if I didn’t have extra time on hand now, if it wasn’t for my daughter’s audition, I may quite likely wait for another 12 years before I can make a trip to Austin. But, it’s not too late, I need to do something to change that. I have one life, I want to live it to the fullest. If you know me in person, you would know this doesn’t really sound like me. But I want to be the example for my kids, no matter what happens in life, don’t make excuses, step out of our comfort zone, we can not only make it through, and we can make it a fabulous experience. When they go through a hard time in life, I want them to be able to say, my mom made it, I can too.