Tagged: First back back to work; life is good!

First Day Back to Work

It’s been a super busy and stressful summer, my blood pressure is through the roof, that’s what my wrist surgeon’s nurse has been telling me, every time I went back for a post surgery visit.

Life is interesting, it really is.  When you think life is wonderful, you got literally everything you dreamed of, you never know what’s around the corner waiting for you. You can lose everything you ever had, quite literally, in a blink of an eye. When you think you are at the rock bottom of your life, there is opportunity everywhere, if you just open your eyes, you will notice everything you never noticed before, loving caring friends, who want to help you everywhere they can.

Today, I went to work, after months. It’s a bit bitter-sweet. I am back to the company I worked for over a decade ago. I saw a lot of familiar faces, people took their time came by my seat to say hi and welcome back. Just before my meeting, my new boss told me: “you know, the day after your interview, several people came to me confirming if you came. Let me just say, I got this feeling if I didn’t hire you, I would be a very bad person.”

That meant so much for me. I don’t know who said what to whom, but how welcoming everyone was, it really made my day, not a bad first day back to work for me.