Tagged: donate toys

Disappointing Toy Donation Box

I have been pushing my kids to donate some of their million unwanted toys to those kids in need for a couple of years now. My bad on not really following it through until now. I have always talked to them and mentally preparing them, but never seemed to really get a box and make them do it.

So, I need to change that and correct my mistakes. I will need to move soon, so perfect timing on really put this idea to action.

Kids were initially excited that we get to go through their old toys and do something nice to other kids. They went ahead and filled up the box half way in no time, really grabbing everything they could see and reach.

Feeling happy that my kids are indeed generous and kind kids, but a bit worried that they would regret, I walked away for a second. Then the kids yelled from the play room and told me the box is ready to go. I came back to the play room and saw this.

Most of these were in the box, and now in their “keep, just in case we want it” pile.

They talked each other into keeping everything! Ugh, gotta try harder tomorrow. At least I have 2 giant boxes of their small clothes for donation. That’s a good start!