Tagged: discipline

Juicing – Day 2

Day 1 was concluded not too bad. There were certainly a couple major challenges which put my will power to test. Especially when I stood by the stove, cooking for the kids and smelling the amazing Ramen noodles loaded with veggies.. man that’s THE thing I couldn’t stop thinking!

But I have to give myself a pad on the shoulders, resisted the urge to finish their bowls for them and lick the pot, I casually packed the leftovers away in a bowl and stowed away in the fridge. I don’t even know why, since I am not going to eat the noodles in near future, and the kids won’t be here today…

Bed time was easy too. I was so tired finishing up my blogs, I literally dozed off twice writing the last paragraph.

It’s 9:33 am on day 2. I am already done with my 16 oz morning juice breakfast. I filled up a water bottle with the green goodness, this is my task for today. Drink this whole thing, and tons of water. This time the juice is a bit spicier since I added cayenne pepper. It’s quite satisfying. I gotta say, I haven’t really felt  hunger much. In the morning, I also drank a bottle of water, and just out of habit, got a tall Starbucks with soy milk. Yep, no dairy in this cleanse / fast. Strangely, I took one sip, it still tastes like good old life blood, but I wasn’t really craving it. Normally I’d down that tall coffee in minutes, but this time, after about 3 hours, the cup is still sitting on the counter, I probably only drank 20%.


Lunch time, I cooked roasted veggies and simply boiled ribs for the family. Made widely popular letter pasta soup for the kids too. During the process, I also successfully sliced my pinkie, which haven’t happened for years. Ha. But amazingly, I didn’t have to pull much will power to fight against food, I was simply not hungry.

I know I know, my body can’t keep going without food, right? But if you think about it, the amount of nutrient in one cup of juice came from tons of vegetables. All 3 trillion cells in my body are super happy! Amazingly they don’t even get distracted by the amazing aroma in the house! Either way, just out of habit, and old mentality, I took one small banana. Small bites, and liquefied the banana in my mouth before swallowing it, so my stomach doesn’t really need to get activated again to digest.

So far so good! Day 2 is almost over, and tons of water and I will move on to drink a couple sips of store-bought 100% carrot juice before calling it a day.

Good night y’all!

Juicing – Day 1

Trying juicing for the first time, ever. I have been watching quite some videos on how others do juicing and benefits of juicing. In summary, juicing does all the wonders to your body, makes your skin less oily, teeth whiter, hair and nails stronger, more energetic, more sensitive to all the senses, improves overall wellness, weight loss…the list goes on and on. So, I decided to try it myself.

Day 1 is now over. This is what I have done.

Breakfast: 12 oz juice (recipe at the end of the blog)

AM: 2 glasses of water

Lunch: 12 oz of store bought juice (apple and kale)

PM: 2 glasses of water

Dinner: 8 oz of juice (more or less same as breakfast juice, but added guava,orange and more greens)

Dessert: 2 bites of a banana

This is how I felt throughout the day.

I didn’t feel hungry at all, until probably 7 pm. I wasn’t even starving then, but I felt like if I had some awesome Ramen noodles or a couple amazing tacos, I’d be super happy. The day was going by fast, I was busy, that probably helped. I did, however had to run out of the house during lunch time. My dad made such yummy chicken and vegetables, I could smell it from upstairs. I didn’t want to give in, so I grabbed my car key and drove to the store to buy more juice, in the pouring rain. But it was all worth it! As soon as I left the house, not only the temptation went away, I also felt proud of myself. As you know, I am a super foodie. It’s beyond hard to walk away from food.

Even was harder, I was making Ramen style noodles for the kids. I know, what was I thinking? That’s what I was day dreaming about, and now I have to watch it being made, with love, by me! I threw in extra noodles, knowing the kids won’t finish it. But I just had to. Every time I tasted the soup a bit to adjust seasoning, I almost felt the electric wave going through my body. Just kidding, it was tempting, but wasn’t that bad.

Other than hunger I felt there was a rough film kind of thing all over my teeth. My pearl whites were not slippery today, which was quite uncomfortable for me. I find myself keep playing with my teeth using my tongue, but as soon as I catch myself do that, I immediately felt the film on my teeth was disgusting. It’s nothing but the vegetables I used. But no one has seemed to mention this in their videos. Anyway, now you know.

I am successfully done with day 1, even with a dessert. Man, I savored that banana.. let me tell ya, I had the banana in my mouth for a long time, just in case that’s the last bite I am getting today. This gourmet banana tasted amazing, it’s the only solid food went into my mouth for the whole day! I certainly cherished it.

I feel a slight headache, but heard this is normal, and it’s my body flushing out the toxic elements. Anyway, I will talk to you in a day or so and see where I stand!

Juice recipe:

3 cucumbers, 1 bunch kale, 1 bunch spinach, 3 apples,  6 large carrots

All goes into a juicer and enjoy the liquid gold comes out of it! Ciao!