Tagged: chores can wait

Children’s Book

Book reading time tonight, we read a new book my daughter borrowed from her library. She was super excited about this book, because it has a spooky name – Blackout. She thought it’s some sort of Halloween scary book, perfect choice for Halloween.

So, as usual, we snuggled on the couch, pillows and blankets ready.

The book barely had any words, I was hoping for a bit more, since my daughter is in the phase of spelling and reading crazy, more words would help her. But here is the story, which hit me more than anyone else.

A family of 4 live in an apartment in a big city, mom, dad, big sister and little sister. One night, little sister wants to play a board game, but everyone is busy, no one wants to play. All of a sudden, the light goes out, the entire city is pitch black (hence, the name of the book is Blackout, ohhhhh). Mom brings the flash light, but no one can continue with what they are doing but sit down at the table all together. Soon it becomes too hot to stay inside, so they go to the roof top, where they find all the neighbors on the roof. It become a roof top party. Then everyone goes onto the street and there is another party. Light comes back on, everyone goes back into their house and continue with what they are doing before light goes out. Again, no one is playing with little sister. She goes and turns off the light switch, pretends it’s a blackout again, her family sits down at the table plays the board game she wants to play at the beginning of the book.

Kids were happy reading this book, I had a lot of feelings about it. It’s so sad reading this book, but the real sad part is, this is so real. A lot of us, me included, are so swamped between work, daily chores, adult responsibilities that we feel they have to be done, everything has a deadline, and quite often, we drag it out to the very end. Just like everyone else, I feel overwhelmed too, and I do realize I have to tell kids, mommy will play with you after putting all the dishes away, give me a few minutes, let me finish cooking. No, mommy have to go to work now, I will play with you after work…Granted, we just can’t play with kids whenever they want to, that’s just reality, but we certainly can think twice, if whatever the task we were swamped with has to be done at this very moment.

This morning I am still thinking about it, it hurts me to see the disappointment in my kids’ eyes when I tell them I can’t play or draw with them… Gonna keep reminding myself, some things can wait, my kids will never be this age again.