Tagged: awesome brown rice

Healthy Brown Rice and Spinach

This dish will change your view about healthy brown rice. I know you are aware that you should probably eat more brown rice and ditch white rice, but you don’t like the toughness and slightly interesting smell brown rice comes with. But give this recipe a try, you will not only start loving brown rice, you are also consuming spinach without even noticing you are eating extra healthy. Win-win!


2 cups of uncooked brown rice

1 clove of garlic, minced

1 TBSP vegetable oil

1 pinch of salt

3 cups of stock, whatever you had on hand. I had leftover soup from my Simple Tum Yum Pork Ribs, so I happily used that for flavor. If you don’t have any stock on hand, don’t worry, just dissolve a chicken bullion cube into 4 cups of water, that will do just fine.

1 cup of water, liquid should add up to 4 cups. So you can play with the math here between water and stock, another level of freedom!

1 small bundle of fresh spinach, thoroughly washed and thinly sliced, stalk and leaves.


Heat up the oil in a medium soup pot on medium heat, the pot should be large enough to comfortably hold the 4 cups of liquid and rice. Another pro tip is, if your soup pot has a glass lid, that’s ideal, that way you can see how done is your rice and if the liquid is evaporated enough without burning the rice.

Add garlic and brown rice. Stir gently until the rice is fragrant, about 5 minutes. Add all the liquid and salt, combine well, bring it to a boil.

Lid on, lower heat to low right away, and let the rice simmer for about 45 minutes to 50 minutes.

Keep the lid on, absolutely no peeking at this point. Kill the heat and let rice steam for another 10 minutes.

Once rice is done steaming, open the lid and mix in all the spinach, the residual heat from the rice will cook the spinach instantly.

Give this amazing way to cook brown rice and boost your vegetable intake. The brown rice is so soft and tender, it may just pass as white rice!