Steamed Eggplant Salad
Y’all, this one is one of my childhood favorite! If you can take spices, you will love this one! It’s super appetizing, you can serve it as an appetizer or a vegetable main dish. You can leave out the spicy oil and make it more kid friendly.

1 American egg plant, or 2 Japanese eggplants. I prefer the skinnier version Japanese eggplants for this dish because it’s tenderer and the skin is softer too. But all I had was 1 ginormous eggplant, so I used that one.
about 4 TBSP of my signature spicy sauce. Leave out the spices if you prefer mild version.
2 green onions, thinly sliced
Cut the eggplant into roughly 2 inch slices. Put eggplant slices into a large bowl and steam in a steamer (if you have one) for 10 minutes.
If you don’t have a steamer, do what I did, put a wire tray, or 3 aluminum foil balls at the bottom of the large pot, fill water to about 1 inch deep – you only need about 10 minutes anyways. Put your eggplant bowl on top of the wire tray or aluminum foil balls.

Once eggplant is cooked, kill the heat, take the bowl out carefully to cool. Pull the eggplant into strips, or cut into strips. If you are using Japanese eggplant, you will be able to pull it into strips, I find the large American eggplant it is harder to pull, you can cut with a knife though.
Put all egg plant strips back into the bowl, after dumping out the liquid accumulated at the bottom of the bowl. Drizzle with my signature spicy sauce, top with green onion. Mix well and serve!