Life and Random Thoughts

Life is an interesting concept that no one can really get away from. I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I tune out things around me and think about random things. Everyone has a different journey, different joy and struggles every day.

Sometimes I just love watching people at a coffee shop or a restaurant, wondering what they are smiling for, what they are holding their tears back for… Sometimes, I  too, feel helpless, hopeless for things I don’t ever want to even remember. But I gotta say, I am overall a pretty positive person, a happy person. I notice the smallest desire of survival and see the happiness in anything, like a small little flower on the side of the road, the tiny little birds nest in the tree, two feet above my head…

The reality I believe is, nothing is all bad, there is always a bright side to anything. Unfortunate things happen to everyone. I am no exception. No one will ever know everything someone else has ever had sleepless nights for, probably doesn’t even car. But I have full control over this, I can decide, if I want to see the positive side of anything that goes against my preference and make TODAY a good day, or I could hate the world for not letting things happen my way.