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Book of Appreciation

I followed Oprah’s advice, started a book of appreciation.

This is not something I am doing for fun, I was truly touched by Oprah’s speech. Appreciation is such a powerful feeling, many great inspirational speakers emphasized and emphasized on it. Wayne Dyer said it really spot on, if we don’t have appreciation inside of us, we will never be happy human being. We will never be happy with what we have, and regardless how much we have, we will always want more and more and when we have what we thought would make us happy, our minds already moved onto the next target.

It will be a very sad life I reckon, if we don’t have any appreciation or not enough appreciation in our minds. I am very grateful I am not born that way, or perhaps, my loving parents taught me to be a happy grateful person and it started so early I don’t even remember. Most importantly, this is not something you keep on your tongue, action is the most important proof. I truly appreciate my parents, through the years, showed me how to appreciate every little thing in life, letting go, focus on what truly matters. I am beyond grateful for my family.

Hopefully one day, my kids will look back and say the same thing about their mom, that, will be my proud achievement of my life – be a great mother my kids will be proud of, be a great person, that when I am mentioned, people will have a smile on their face, saying she is a good person.


Sweet Kids

Sweet Kids

My kids are so sweet. It’s been a bit hectic these days, but they are very well behaved. I am really amazed how much they have grown.

This morning, in the mist of our morning routine, making beds, brushing teeth, doing hair, feeding dogs, packing snack bags, making breakfast, my baby girl asked me to put on a origami tutorial video for her. “I finished everything I needed to do to be ready for school,” She said. I looked around, she really did, even had her shoes on.

I gladly searched origami tutorial for her and let her choose what she wanted to learn to make. Within 5 minutes, she called me, while I was brushing my son’s teeth. She gave me this, saying “mommy, I love you!” My silly son says “I love you too mommy!” while his mouth was foaming with tooth paste..

It melted my heart… I am so truly blessed to have such sweet and loving kids! Love them so much! Little moments like this is what I live for.