Category: Kids and Parenting

Back-to-School Shopping

How fun! My first time, newbie back-to-school shopping and registration! Of course, I had to jump in and join that tax-free weekend school supply shopping, to experience what people are complaining about every year, and of course, who doesn’t want to save a few bucks on taxes?

Turned out, I had to go to 4 different stores just to find everything on my kids’ school supply list, for kindergarten and pre-K. Most of the time, the kids were with me. Yep, I am crazy, but I might as well get the full experience right? It turned out, finding school supplies in a crazy swirl of shoppers was fun, especially when you locate the last one of yellow pocket folder with brad (I mean huh??)… :p

Then the fun part? Getting the kids packing their own school supply box! Both kids were super excited! They can’t wait to go see their school, their teachers and make new friends!

Back-To-School Hair Cut

Time for a big boy hair cut again, perfect for back to school.

As usual, my amazing daughter is my awesome little helper, she is always there, always ready to jump in and help without me asking! Love her to pieces!

Let Kids be Kids

Which kid doesn’t have fun being dirty? So I embraced kids’ nature, followed by a nice long relaxing bath. Happy days!

School playground had fresh mulch, just in time for back-to-school. However, the mulch piles  have not been spreaded out yet. So they became my kids’ mountains and valleys…the aftermath? :p Happy days!


Big Girl Hair Trimming

My daughter has been complaining that her hair has a ton of knots lately. I noticed that the routine hair oil trick doesn’t seem to work as well as before. It’s time for a trim.

I guess my princess was happy with my hair cut skill, proven on my prince. When I asked if she wanted a hair trim, she happily accepted the offer.

One happy customer with no complaints!

Little Texans

Finally, my stubborn boy wanted his cowboy boots on!

My baby girl has always been a boots girl she is wearing hers too, as you can see in the picture! We were just going grocery shopping :p preparing for the savory crepe tasting party tomorrow. Super exciting!


Disappointing Toy Donation Box

I have been pushing my kids to donate some of their million unwanted toys to those kids in need for a couple of years now. My bad on not really following it through until now. I have always talked to them and mentally preparing them, but never seemed to really get a box and make them do it.

So, I need to change that and correct my mistakes. I will need to move soon, so perfect timing on really put this idea to action.

Kids were initially excited that we get to go through their old toys and do something nice to other kids. They went ahead and filled up the box half way in no time, really grabbing everything they could see and reach.

Feeling happy that my kids are indeed generous and kind kids, but a bit worried that they would regret, I walked away for a second. Then the kids yelled from the play room and told me the box is ready to go. I came back to the play room and saw this.

Most of these were in the box, and now in their “keep, just in case we want it” pile.

They talked each other into keeping everything! Ugh, gotta try harder tomorrow. At least I have 2 giant boxes of their small clothes for donation. That’s a good start!

Big Boy Hair Cut

I can’t stand my son’s hair being long and pokes his ear. Especially in Texas heat, I much rather him keep his hair short. His whole life, I have been cutting his hair, except for a couple of years ago, we tried a hair dresser one time, and let’s just say, it was a 4 people job and he did not fancy that experience.

My big boy knows, it’s way more comfortable with shorter hair. So as soon as I mentioned I am giving him a hair cut, he was ready to roll.

Bubbles came to visit. Yep, her name is Bubbles. I have no clue where Jasmine was at that time.

Once I started working on his hair, my daughter joined as a sweeper. She did an amazing job.

She took a break, and found a ripe fig from our fig trees! I didn’t even think we would have any ripe ones till a week or two later. But she certainly enjoyed it.

Big boy looked so much better with shorter hair! What do you think? I am just happy that he loved it!

New Friends

I always tell my kids, friendship is one of the most precious treasure one can have through the journey of life. Without friendship, life can be unbearably lonely. It’s been killing me inside since I had to pull the kids out of daycare due to financial reasons. I want my kids to socialize, to learn how to handle confrontation, disputation,  to learn to share with others and experience the joy being with other people.

My kids are doing great with each other over all. Big sister is loving and caring of little brother, little brother looks up to big sister and listens to her very well. I love watching these two sillies reason with each other. But they are missing interaction with other kids lately. They keep saying they miss their friends and teacher from school. I try to have as many play dates as possible with their friends, but everyone has a busy life, I totally get it.

Took the kids to a park the other day, bumped into this lovely lady and her two kids. Same as me, she got a 5-year-old girl and a 4-year-old boy. It was an instant bond amongst the kids.

Before you know it, the kids were giggling and laughing and running, my heart is full.



Being All Silly

So, the kids have been obsessed with these filters, so here are some for today’s entertainment.

I don’t look too bad sporting retro style :p

My gangster crew… couldn’t hold the cool hahahah