Category: Kids and Parenting

At Last – Soccer Clinic

I have been searching for some physical activities for my kids for a while. It’s very difficult to find something to be close to school, close to the house, fits their age AND fits our schedule… but at last, soccer clinic was on my radar!

Houston weather has been nuts lately. It should be close to 90 degrees by March, but it’s been anywhere between 38 to 80, from hail to sunshine.. past 2 weeks, it rained hard on soccer clinic day, but today, finally we had a cloudy day, turned out perfectly for soccer!

I love it, kids get exercise, eats better, sleeps better, learn to play with each other, learn to be competitive gracefully, and learn sportsmanship, honesty, integrity, and have fun!

Muffin with Mom – Happy Valentine’s Day!

I have 2 little Valentines this year 🙂 Wonderful school event organized today, shout out to all the staff and volunteers, the event had an amazing turn out. Kids had tons of fun! I am so grateful I have these two sweet little Valentines.

I gave my little dude a fresh hair cut last night, just in time to look extra sharp; my princess requested her triple braid – pony tail hair do, super sweet!

At the end of the day, kids want love from parents, want parents to be there with them, but just saying I will be there for you, show it with your action.

Enjoy our HUGE muffins!

Weekday Breakfast are Important

Weekday mornings can be quite hectic with little kids. Well, I say little kids, myself could be a major factor too. Sometimes you just want to keep your eyes closed for just another 5 more know what I mean. But I firmly believe, having kids is responsibility, meaning, you put yourself after your kids’ needs and you do whatever you can to make sure they are healthy, happy and make sure your example speaks the loudest.

In my case, getting up bright and early and eating healthy are two of the main things, at least for this blog.

Weekday breakfast can be rougher decisions to make. Do we just shove a glazed donut with sprinkles on their plate with a bottle of chocolate milk? Absolutely not in my mind. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, people say. What we put in their little stomach right now could form their life time habit. Just imagine one (or two) donut a day plus a sweet drink, over time, how much damage will that cause to their body? All because we, as parents are too lazy to get out of bed 15 minutes earlier to make some healthy oatmeal, or avocado toast, or fried egg…

I made these on a weekday last week. Most of the time I forget to take pictures for my blog, because to me, that’s normal daily thing.

You can get the cucumber salad and egg drop soup recipes from my cooking posts.

Nail Salon Encounter

My emotion still goes up and down, over a week after my last nail salon visit.

I walked into the nail salon for my appointment, sat down at the table. The technician started the normal greetings, and small talk. I was quite absent minded, however. I was staring at this little boy, about 4, sitting in a chair in the row in front of me, playing his video games on a cellphone. He was wearing green converse, shoes laces untied, and shoes on the wrong feet. His long sleeve shirts had something caked on the elbows.

A lot was going through my mind. This is a cute little boy, reminds me of my own son. Man, I miss my kids! But why would a little boy like him sitting in a nail salon? Must came with the mom. Why would he be playing video games on a cellphone? Must be mom. I started shaking my head silently. You should not take a small kid to a nail salon. The fume is very harmful to kids, everyone knows that, the technicians all wear masks! Then why a 4 year old is playing on her cellphone? I don’t understand… don’t our kids have too much screen time already? Don’t we kick and scream and claim cellphone is toxic, ruining our capability of interaction with real people in real life? Oh yeah, she must need him to be quiet. Sure, as a parent, I admit, we all have moments when we get frustrated with little kids, ours especially, and prefer a little me time. That’s probably why she is here pampering herself. I shouldn’t judge. I don’t know her story.

All of a sudden, I heard the little boy say:”mom, she is crying!” Puzzled, I wondered if the boy was referring to a character in the video game. Mom said, no, she is asleep. Then I heard a baby noise, the little boy jumped off his chair, skipped around his mom and looked down. I leaned to my right side and saw a baby basket on the floor, 2 little feet hanging out of the blanket. The mom turned to the right, kicked the basket a little. The little boy shoved the bottle into the baby’s mouth and walked off. He said, mom, I am hungry. Mom looked over her shoulder, sighed and tossed over a tube of crackers. Her hand flew by in the air, ran through her multi toned silky smooth shinny hair, I caught a glimpse of her 1 inch long acrylic black nails.

So many questions popped in my head: how does she change diapers? How does she help her son tie shoe laces? How does she even get her hands close to her babies? How does she type, cook, clean, or even button her own pants? And on top of it all, she had to bring 2 kids into a nail salon that smells like chemicals… Soon enough, little boy was bored of video games, started messing with brushes, towels, nail polish bottles, water bowl… mom got upset, she kept telling the boy: you are embarrased! you are embarrased!

No mom, you should be the one embarrassed.

School Night Finger Knitting Project – Butterfly

My daughter definitely got her interest in cooking and crafting from me. She has been obsessed with yarn since before Christmas. Of course, Santa had to deliver her 48 pack multi-color yarn as part of her Christmas gifts. We have made finger knitting snakes, and she has been super pumped, she made 9 snakes in one night and packaged them up individually, wrote her teachers’ and friends’ names on each package and gave them out as gifts.

Tonight, a Tuesday night, we tackled a new finger knitting project – the butterfly.

My little boy helped too, he has his eyes on one of the girls in his class and wanted one butterfly for her. Isn’t she one lucky girl! This is the one for her.

Turtle Fun

One of the most loved Christmas gifts for my kids this year. They can’t seem to leave these what they call “motorcycles” alone…

So we went to a skate park nearby a few times now, again, with my brain, finally remembered to snap a few pictures.

Zipline for the First Time

Kids have been scared of this zipline for a while. I have been encouraging them to try it and finally, off they go! They got the thrill of flying finally, and wouldn’t want to stop doing it over and over!

First Time Ever – Buying with Cash

It’s book fair at school. In order to maximize kids’ fun and learn about responsibility and values, I decided to do something different this year.

I gave them 20 dollars each, and let them buy their own books of choices. Of course, I pre-selected a pool of books, and marked the prices for each.

Kids are super happy of course, first time they get cash. I gave them each a ziplock bag, so they put their names and class on the bag, and stapled the bag to their book list..

By the end of the day, they came home with 3 books each, and the change and receipt in the same Ziploc bags. Thanks to the lovely volunteers at book fair, kids had a blast! Change went straight into their piggy bank.

It was a wonderful idea (padding my own shoulders), kids learned the value of money, bought their books of choice and we supported their school.

Raining Halloween

It’s the 2nd year in a row that it was raining. Bummer. It rained so much in my area the streets flooded for a while. So we had to cancel trick or treating, after we got dressed.

Off to Willie’s we went. Tons of kids wore costume there, because they had a promotion for free kids’ meal for every adult  meal purchased. But my little monsters wanted blackened catfish with rice and seasonal vegetables for dinner, SCORE!

Halloween Fest

Maybe it’s me, this year, the festival isn’t as extravagant as the ones before. But it didn’t stop kids have fun!

Yep, there is a tiny little dog…Jade is holding…

Can you find the cute little faces?